因为太喜欢看美国青春片,所以想写一个美高的故事。这个故事已经在脑子里构思好久了~书里可能会放一些洋屁边缘少女×风云纹身少年看似两个毫不相干的人其实是青梅竹马,只是因为一些误会两人渐行渐远,转校生的到来让他们重新拾起了往日的记忆。?"I know what you want, does that kiss really that matter? Does it worth you to go miles to ask me why? OK, I will tell you why. That kiss is my goodbye to my first love. Satisfied?" Sean was impatient, he stared at Samantha, anger filled his eyes.男非c女c,1v1,希望自己能写好这个故事
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